
Paul Manley Back Pain and RSI Clinic

Paul Manley, D.O. (ESO 1980), M.A.O.(Manip), Registered Osteomyologist
For muscle and joint problems

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Paul Manley, D.O. (ESO 1980), M.A.O.(Manip),
Registered Osteomyologist, RSM
(Royal Society of Medicine)
Specialist in the treatment of Musculo-skeletal problems

Location: 33 Chalton St, London NW1 1JD (Close to Kings Cross and Euston stations)

A few Testimonials about Pauls' treatment and expertise

" I am a professional drummer and went to see Paul when I began to develop severe tension, numbness and shooting pains in the muscles along my forearm and in and around my wrist and thumb. Paul realised that my symptoms were probably due to a fractured Scaphoid bone (circled in red) in my wrist which had occured two years previously. I was getting these sensations every time I played and was in a lot of discomfort, practically unable to play.

On my first session with Paul, he listened closely to my description of the pain and tried to establish why it may have come about. He began work and was able to get to the root of the problem immediately.

After a single, very thorough session I had fantastic results and knew I had found the right man to help me get through this injury. The tension in my arm was massively reduced and the shooting pains all but gone. I was able to resume my practising and performing schedule straight away which was a huge relief. After 3 sessions with Paul my arm felt as good as new! Paul was also able to offer invaluable advice on how to avoid similar problems arising again.

I was extremely impressed with Paul's personal and sympathetic approach and delighted with the wonders he worked on the tension in my arm which I thought was going to keep me out of work for a LONG time . I would recommend him to anybody I know with any similar injuries".

James Titshall, London.

“ I have known Paul for over 30 years during which time he has dealt sympathetically and skilfully with all kinds of problems such as lower back pain, leg, arm and neck injuries.
As a result of the kindness and professional treatment that I have received from Paul, I am still able to play competitive hockey throughout the year, albeit that I am over 60 years old.
It has been of enormous help to me being looked after by Paul and I would not hesitate in recommending him”.

Keith Lewis, Bedfordshire.

"Five years ago, at a very young age, I began to develop RSI type symptoms. At the time I was playing in teaching a lot of guitar, and the pain began in my fingers of my left hand. My natural reaction was to shift most of the burden onto my right hand when I was typing, and as a result the symptoms seemed to spread all the way up both of my arms.

I searched for a cure, was put on multiple types of painkillers and anti-inflammatories by several GPs, was treated by osteopaths and sports masseurs but nothing seemed to work. When starting a new job in London, I looked on the Internet for someone to take on management of my condition as I knew it would involve a lot of computer based work. I stumbled across Paul's webpage and he seemed to be more in tune with the symptoms associated with RSI than anyone else I had approached, so I decided to give him a try.

Since that first meeting, the results have been extraordinary. His depth of experience means that he was able to pinpoint the source of the problem and treat accordingly. Whilst I am not "cured", the regular treatments keep symptoms at bay and allow me to live and work with effectively no restrictions. His ultimate aim is to work with my body so that I will be able to manage my symptoms without his help, and if someone had told me that my condition would be in such good shape even six months ago, I would never have believed them".

Tom, 23, Strategy Consultant

"Paul has magic fingers! He has given me emergency treatment for back problems a couple of times, and each time the difference before and after seeing him was remarkable. A walk to his office from the tube which had taken me nearly 30 painful minutes, was reduced to a sprightly 5 minutes after one particular session with Paul! I keep my emergency appointments to a minimum by visiting Paul regularly, to try to prevent bad posture, incorrect alignments, etc. from recurring. I would recommend regular preventative maintenance sessions for your body in the same way as you regularly visit the dentist or service your car."

Debby Hiller, London.

I have worked in the field of complementary medicine for many years, 11 of which were as Secretary General of the British Homeopathic Association.

Paul Manley has been my Physical Therapist for many years and I see him as an extremely caring and intuitive healer. I have recommended friends and family to him without hesitation and he has always proved himself to be willing to treat even the most intractable conditions and bring about improvement.

Enid Segall
Chairman – League of Friends
Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
President – EFHPA: European Federation of Homeopathic Patients’ Associations

"I had tendinitis in both hands, after improper use of the muscles - playing difficult pieces in long practice sessions without breaks, without doing the necessary stretching exercises and without thinking about my body. The problems were on and off for about 2 years until I decided to suspend my playing for a year, to take time to think and to cure the problem. During this time I completely recovered with the great help of Paul. He not just cured effectively the problems with the muscles and the tendons (through a simple physiotherapy) but also gave me a very good knowledge which I still use to maintain myself in a good health and prevent injuries. I sent some of my colleagues from the Royal Academy of Music to him, as he is a great specialist dealing with musician's injuries (his understanding is even deeper as he himself plays the guitar). I am really grateful to Paul and will recommend him to anyone. There is hardly anything that is not completely curable from the musician's injuries! :-) "

Stanislav Hvartchilkov: classical guitarist

Please Call or Text Paul 24/7 on 07925 616 753
London location: 33 Chalton St, London NW1 1JD (Close to Kings Cross and Euston stations)